Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Essay Animal

Eating Animals by Jonathan Saffron Foyer's he talks about his journey as a meat eater. Fore discuses his family eating styles and how he believe he will raise his son. Food is key for every person, but what you eat and what you don't eat shapes who you are. Fore and his wife both had very particular views on being meat eaters. In a way they both hated what they were doing, but because of they way they were brought up they could not stop them from doing so. For this same reason he started researching on how he should raise is unborn child, meat eater or vegetarian.Fore starts off by talking about his grandmother and how her eating habits and cooking methods affected them as children. The grandmother, also known as â€Å"Greatest Chef who ever lived†, had been threw the depression and many vulnerable times. Fore tells us she had very strict rules on letting food go bad and throwing away expired food. She had seen such harsh times that she mad sure she always made the right amoun t of food so nothing would ever go to waste. The grandmother had seen the worst oftentimes, but she made sure her family ate well but did not take what they have for granted.Fore believes many people do not understand what and whom they are eating. He also falls under this category; he does not count himself out. Offers talks about how people have pet dogs and view them as a part of family, but on the other hand cook and eat a chicken. He tries to grasp this idea that has been passed down generation after generation but he cannot come to a solid conclusion on why this happens. And with his new born on the way he is looking into if he wants to pass on these beliefs to his child or to change what has been passed down and start something new.

Foreign Direct Investment: An Overview Essay

What is Foreign Direct Investment? Foreign direct investment (FDI) is defined as a long-term investment by a foreign direct investor in an enterprise resident in an economy other than that in which the foreign direct investor is based. The FDI relationship consists of a parent enterprise and a foreign affiliate which together form a transnational corporation (TNC). In order to qualify as FDI the investment must afford the parent enterprise control over its foreign affiliate. The UN defines control in this case as owning 10% or more of the ordinary shares or voting power of an incorporated firm or its equivalent for an unincorporated firm. Understanding Foreign Direct Investment Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays an extraordinary and growing role in global business. It can provide a firm with new markets and marketing channels, cheaper production facilities, access to new technology, products, skills and financing. For a host country or the foreign firm which receives the investment, it can provide a source of new technologies, capital, processes, products, organizational technologies and management skills, and as such can provide a strong impetus to economic development. Foreign direct investment, in its classic definition, is defined as a company from one country making a physical investment into building a factory in another country. In recent years, given rapid growth and change in global investment patterns, the definition has been broadened to include the acquisition of a lasting management interest in a company or enterprise outside the investing firm’s home country. As such, it may take many forms, such as a direct acquisition of a foreign firm, construction of a facility, or investment in a joint venture or strategic alliance with a local firm with attendant input of technology, licensing of intellectual property, In the past decade, FDI has come to play a major role in the internationalization of business. Reacting to changes in technology, growing liberalization of the national regulatory framework governing investment in enterprises, and changes in capital markets profound changes have occurred in the size, scope and methods of FDI. New information technology systems, decline in global communication costs have made management of foreign investments far easier than in the past. The sea change in trade and investment policies and the regulatory environment globally in the past decade, including trade policy and tariff liberalization, easing of restrictions on foreign investment and acquisition in many nations, and the deregulation and privatization of many industries, has probably been the most significant catalyst for FDI’s expanded role. The most profound effect has been seen in developing countries, where yearly foreign direct investment flows have increased from an average of less than $10 billion in the 1970’s to a yearly average of less than $20 billion in the 1980’s, to explode in the 1990s from $26.7billion in 1990 to $179 billion in 1998 and $208 billion in 1999 and now comprise a large portion of global FDI. Proponents of foreign investment point out that the exchange of investment flows benefits both the home country (the country from which the investment originates) and the host country (the destination of the investment). The push factors indicate the benefits to the investors and the pull factors to the host countries. First, international flows of capital reduce the risk faced by owners of capital by allowing them to diversify their lending and investment. Second, FDI allows capital to seek out the highest rate of return. Third, FDI helps to expand market. For the host countries, it can contribute to the general development as well as to the poverty reduction objective in a variety of ways. Major benefits to host countries are as follows: †¢ FDI allows transfer of technology—particularly in the form of new varieties of capital inputs—that cannot be achieved through financial investments or trade in goods and services. FDI can also promote competition in the domestic input market. †¢ Recipients of FDI often gain employee training in the course of operating the new businesses, which contributes to human capital development in the host country. †¢ Profits generated by FDI contribute to corporate tax revenues in the host country. Thus, it contributes not only to the direct source of investment but also to the government revenue. †¢ FDI helps to integrate the host countries economy to the global economy. Determinants of FDI FDI is the investment decision of profit-maximising firms facing world-wide competition and where significant differences in cost structures (due to say, factor productivity, wage differential) justify cross-border investment and production. a. Institutional features of the host country: degree of political stability and government intervention in the economy; the existence of property law legislation; the property and tax system; adequate infrastructure, etc. b. Economic factors: trade and investment regime; the degree of â€Å"openness† of the host countries, the absorptive capacity and growth prospects of the host country; fix and variable costs of production relocation; the degree of monopolistic competition which prevents the entry of other (domestic and foreign firms; general macroeconomic performance (inflation, monetary and fiscal policy) etc. c. Policy related factors: Fiscal (tax rebates and exemptions) and financial incentives (subsidized loans), laws that restrict FDI in certain sectors on the ground of political sensitivity of certain industries (oil, broadcasting, etc.); policy that restricts the degree of foreign ownership, (temporal or permanent) the remittance of interest, dividends and fees for technology and the shares allowed to foreign -owned firms through limits on capital repatriation, minimum investment, etc. d. Characteristics of the labor force: education, skills, etc. Some features of world FDI activity a. The sharp increases in world FDI activities that started after 1985. b. Increased activity and concentration of FDI. Indeed, in the 1990s, FDI has become one of the most important sources of external finance in developing countries. USA has become the largest host country in international capital markets, receiving capital from both Japan and Europe. Japan has emerged as a major home country of FDI outflows. c. Developing countries have liberalized financial markets and offered special incentives (lower taxes, subsidies for infrastructure, etc) to attract FDI in the hope of acquiring technological transfer, know-how, and in general, positive externalities. Basic types of FDI  · Greenfield investment: direct investment in new facilities or the expansion of existing facilities. Greenfield investments are the primary target of a host nation’s promotional efforts because they create new production capacity and jobs, transfer technology and know-how, and can lead to linkages to the global marketplace. However, it often does this by crowding out local industry; multinationals are able to produce goods more cheaply (because of advanced technology and efficient processes) and uses up resources (labor, intermediate goods, etc). Another downside of greenfield investment is that profits from production do not feed back into the local economy, but instead to the multinational’s home economy. This is in contrast to local industries whose profits flow back into the domestic economy to promote growth.  · Mergers and Acquisitions: transfers of existing assets from local firms to foreign firms takes place; the primary type of FDI. Cross-border mergers occur when the assets and operation of firms from different countries are combined to establish a new legal entity. Cross-border acquisitions occur when the control of assets and operations is transferred from a local to a foreign company, with the local company becoming an affiliate of the foreign company. Unlike greenfield investment, acquisitions provide no long term benefits to the local economy– even in most deals the owners of the local firm are paid in stock from the acquiring firm, meaning that the money from the sale could never reach the local economy.  · Horizontal Foreign Direct Investment: investment in the same industry abroad as a firm operates in at home.  · Vertical Foreign Direct Investment: Takes two forms: 1) Backward vertical FDI: where an industry abroad provides inputs for a firm’s domestic production process. 2) Forward vertical FDI: in which an industry abroad sells the outputs of a firm’s domestic production. FDI based on the motives of the investing firm FDI can also be categorized based on the motive behind the investment from the perspective of the investing firm:  · Resource Seeking: Investments which seek to acquire factors of production that are more efficient than those obtainable in the home economy of the firm. In some cases, these resources may not be available in the home economy at all (e.g. cheap labor and natural resources). This typifies FDI into developing countries, for example seeking natural resources in the Middle East and Africa, or cheap labor in Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe.  · Market Seeking: Investments which aim at either penetrating new markets or maintaining existing ones. FDI of this kind may also be employed as defensive strategy; it is argued that businesses are more likely to be pushed towards this type of investment out of fear of losing a market rather than discovering a new one.  · Efficiency Seeking: Investments which firms hope will increase their efficiency by exploiting the benefits of economies of scale and scope, and also those of common ownership. It is suggested that this type of FDI comes after either resource or market seeking investments have been realized, with the expectation that it further increases the profitability of the firm. Importance of FDI Making a direct foreign investment allows companies to accomplish several tasks: Avoiding foreign government pressure for local production. Circumventing trade barriers, hidden and otherwise. Making the move from domestic export sales to a locally-based national sales office. Capability to increase total production capacity. Opportunities for co-production, joint ventures with local partners, joint marketing arrangements, licensing, etc. What do companies considering FDI require? Depending on the industry sector and type of business, a foreign direct investment may be an attractive and viable option. With rapid globalization of many industries and vertical integration rapidly taking place on a global level, at a minimum a firm needs to keep abreast of global trends in their industry. From a competitive standpoint, it is important to be aware of whether a company’s competitors are expanding into a foreign market and how they are doing that. At the same time, it also becomes important to monitor how globalization is affecting domestic clients. Often, it becomes imperative to follow the expansion of key clients overseas if an active business relationship is to be maintained. New market access is also another major reason to invest in a foreign country. At some stage, export of product or service reaches a critical mass of amount and cost where foreign production or location begins to be more cost effective. Any decision on investing is thus a combination of a number of key factors including: assessment of internal resources, competitiveness, market analysis market expectations. From an internal resources standpoint, does the firm have senior management support for the investment and the internal management and system capabilities to support the set up time as well as ongoing management of a foreign subsidiary? Has the company conducted extensive market research involving both the industry, product and local regulations governing foreign investment which will set the broad market parameters for any investment decision? Is there a realistic assessment in place of what resource utilization the investment will entail? Has information on local industry and foreign investment regulations, incentives, profit retention, financing, distribution, and other factors been completely analyzed to determine the most viable vehicle for entering the market (greenfield, acquisition, merger, joint venture, etc.)? Has a plan been drawn up with reasonable expectations for expansion into the market through that local vehicle? If the foreign economy, industry or foreign investment climate is characterized by government regulation, have the relevant government agencies been contacted and concurred? Have political risk and foreign exchange risk been factored into the business plan? Policies to attract Foreign Direct Investment There is keen competition among developed and developing countries to attract foreign direct investment (FDI).This drive to lure investment often extends to the sub national level, with different regional authorities pursuing their own strategies and assembling their own baskets of incentives to attract new investments. Various reforms and strategies have been implemented, with mixed results. Some are critical of the high costs of many of these initiatives, arguing that it would be more rewarding to improve a country’s general business environment. The many different methods used by policymakers to attract FDI and their effectiveness are as follows:  · providing targeted fiscal incentives, such as tax concessions, cash grants, and specific subsidies;  · improving domestic infrastructure;  · promoting local skills development to meet investor needs and expectations;  · establishing broad-reaching FDI promotion agencies;  · improving the regulatory environment and decreasing red tape; and  · engaging in international governing arrangements. Promotional efforts to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) have become the important point of competition among developed and developing countries. This competition is also maintained when countries are adopting economic integration at another level. While some countries lowering standards to attract FDI in a â€Å"race to the bottom,† others praise FDI for raising standards and welfare in recipient countries. Countries have adopted their respective policies for attracting more investment. Some countries rely on targeted financial concessions like tax concessions, cash grants and specific subsidies. Some countries focus on improving the infrastructure and skill parameter and creating a base meet the demands and expectations of foreign investors. Others try to improve the general business climate of a country by changing the administrative barriers and red tapism. Many governments have created state agencies to help investors through this administrative paperwork. Finally most of the countries have entered into international governing arrangements to increase their attractiveness for more investment. Sound investment climate is crucial for economic growth. Microeconomic reforms aimed at simplifying business regulations, strengthening property rights, improving labor market flexibility, and increasing firms’ access to finance are necessary for raising living standards and reducing poverty in a country. Reform is necessary for creating an investment-oriented climate. Reform management matters as investment climate reforms are done politically. They often favor unorganized over organized groups and the benefits tend to accrue only in the long term, while costs are felt up front. Political decisions play a significant role in this context. Each and every country over the globe is stepping forward to change the climate for attracting more investment. Opening up of doors by most of the nations have compelled them for adopting reforms. Relaxation of rules and regulations, of course, is an essential requirement but not sufficient on its own to bring in FDI. As the study points out, business rules in India still bar FDI in most sectors. It was only last February that the government there decided to allow FDI of upto 51 percent in the single brand retail sector, which is expected to trigger a new flurry of investment. As things stand, Pakistan is far ahead of India in terms of offering all kinds of incentives to foreign investors – although some administrative bottlenecks still remain to be removed. It also boasts a high economic growth rate and there exists a consensus among all political forces on following the market economy model. Still, it has failed to catch the fancy of foreign investors at the desired level. The designated target was to raise foreign investment from 1 billion dollars to 27 billion dollars during a five-year period. That target is nowhere near realization. The government claims to have brought foreign investment to the 3 billion dollars mark this year. But that is a fallacious claim since the money has come in on account of privatization of government-owned entities. There has only been a transfer of assets from the public sector into private hands; no new generation of activity in the retail or production sector, which is badly wanted to address the twin problems of poverty and unemployment. The situation underscores the need not only to remove administrative hurdles but also to create ease of operations vis-à  -vis law and order and the socially restrictive atmosphere.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Morning Routine

A morning routine is something everyone can relate to and must endure. The variables involved are as numerous as there are people in the world. Everyone has his or her own routine but not everyone has detailed this process in a flowchart design. The following will discuss my morning routine, the variables affecting the process, and how to improve the process and decrease the amount of time preparing for and traveling to work. Time spent on each task provides a general overview of each operation with commute time chosen as the metric for the various routes listed. Process Factors  Run-Time and Set-up Time Chase, Jacobs, and Aquilano, (2006), define run-time as, â€Å"†¦the time required to produce a batch of parts† (p. 163. ) In this essay, I equate run-time to those areas that require action (tasks or operations. ) Furthermore, Chase, Jacobs, and Aquilano, (2006), define setup-time as, â€Å"†¦the time required to prepare a machine to make a particular item† (p. 163-164. ) I liken setup-time to the time required to prepare for each task or operation. Last, Chase, Jacobs, and Aquilano, (2006), define operation-time as,†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦the sum of the setup-time and run-time for a batch of parts†. In this scenario, operation-time will cover the entire flow chart from â€Å"wake-up† to â€Å"arrive at work. † Appendix A outlines my typical morning routine. Variances are few therefore; any changes affect the amount of time spent at each task or decision point. The first item is to wake up and decide whether or not to go to work. If the decision is to stay in bed or stay home, the flowchart is complete and no further actions are necessary. As most mornings are â€Å"get out of bed,† the first task is to walk the dog. Because I do not have a fenced in yard or invisible fence, time must be allocated for this effort. If a fence was put in place, this task would not require action and I would have no need to allocate run-time therefore, reducing the time spent in the morning routine. After walking the dog I change into work attire and eat breakfast. To save run-time in the morning, I allot setup-time the night before for such things as; choosing work attire, placing breakfast items in the kitchen, and preparing lunch for the following day. In this fashion, I am significantly decreasing the amount of run-time required to perform each task in the morning. The task of eating breakfast is static therefore; time spent eating includes time spent listening to traffic reports to prepare for the next task in the chart, which is commute to work. I have the choice of four routes to travel to work and each route has positives and negatives. Setup-time for the commute is negligible and calculating run-time combines time traveled, miles covered, obstacles, e. g. stop signs, stop lights, and vehicle control points. Conclusion A morning routine has numerous variations and an overabundance of obstacles that can divert the most stringent process design. By decreasing setup-time, run-time for each task is affected positively allowing a shorter operation-time. A major decision point in Appendix A revolves around the choice of route to travel based on the mornings traffic report. I will measure the four routes listed and account for obstacles such as number of stop signs and traffic lights, school zones, miles from point A (home) to point B (work), and time required traversing each path. The metric of choice is time and how best to reduce the time commuting to work each day.

Monday, July 29, 2019

D2 Review course assignments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

D2 Review course assignments - Essay Example Unit 2 assignment requires the learner to create a memo that describes the strategic decision-making process in an organization, particularly the criteria used in making and testing of the assumptions held by decision makers. The information needed will be obtained through secondary data analysis, particularly browsing the web and reading textbooks. This assignment will improve the skills of the learner in making critical decisions in an organization as a manager or executive. Unit 3 assignment requires one to develop a job grading schedule for appraising the performance of Frontline supervisors (Beck, 2013). To obtain the information on grades and weights for each item, a survey will be conducted in personnel management firms. This assignment information will boost the learner’s personnel management skills, concerning performance management and job evaluation. Unit 4 assignment requires the learner to complete an assessment measuring program-level learning outcomes. The evaluation information will be answered based on the opinion of the student about expectations and experiences in the program. This will facilitate the improvement of the program to reflect current market experiences and skills needed for management students. Unit 5 assignments involve a comparison of the two organizations on various business aspects, mainly organizational strategic management processes, design, culture and management styles (Charles Hill, 2012). The data required for this assignment will be obtained through a survey of the two organizations. The analysis will enhance the learners strategic planning and implementation skills in different companies in a dynamic

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Managing Food and Beverage Operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Managing Food and Beverage Operations - Essay Example One of the key aspects that have led to the success of the Chinese restaurant is the introduction of two managerial posts that includes the kitchen manager and the food service manager. The major role of the food service manager is to handle all the cases that relate to the human resource as well as administrative duties. In order to create strong positive relationship with his or her employees either in the kitchen or in the services section, the manager is supposed to empower employees leading to a higher level of motivation. As depicted by John and Jennifer 2008, kitchen manager have various duties that includes controlling other staff in the kitchen as well as ensuring maximum safety in the kitchen as depicted by the law. One of the major aspects that make the Chinese restaurant to attain a competitive edge in the market is the introduction of a menu that covers all the items as needed by the customers. In addition, the restaurant takes into consideration the cultural diversity o f its customers. This is depicted by the introduction of an English and Chinese menu. To create strong customer awareness the restaurant indicates the various ingredients that are used to prepare the various foods prepared in the kitchen. The restaurant delivers it services in an excellent way thus leading to customer satisfaction. For example, through standard recipe the restaurant has a control of the quantity as well as quality of the food prepared in the kitchen. Key aspects as indicated by John and Jennifer (2008) that are covered by the standard recipe include portion size, ingredient lists, cooking time and temperatures, menu item name among others. Likewise, the restaurant image is enhanced by the attractive decoration, appropriate layout as well as efficient sitting plan. According to Graham (2006) the history and the style of the food is a major consideration during decorating of a restaurant. Similarly, Graham and Oxley (2003) argue that servicescapes also referred to as built environment plays a vital role of enhancing personal traits, customer satisfaction in a restaurant. As a guest to the restaurant I am not only attracted by the wide range of information that guides me in the purchasing process but also by the effective flow of services both in the kitchen and in the service section. As argued by Graham (2001), work flow in the kitchen is an aspect that ensured continuity in the production and offering high class services to the customers. Use of the right equipment is one of the primary aspects that have resulted to efficient work flow in the kitchen. The adoption of food safety is another aspect that has made the restaurant to attain a competitive edge in the market. It is worth to note that safety of the employees and food cannot be overlooked in any restaurant. In its effort to ensure that all its food is safe, the restaurant emulates the Hazard Analyses Critical Control Point (HACCP). According to Almanza et al, (2000) HACCP is an approach that is employed by firms dealing with food and beverages to identify evaluate and control food safety hazards.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Nosocomial Infections, Sanitation in Medical Settings Research Paper

Nosocomial Infections, Sanitation in Medical Settings - Research Paper Example This refers to the diseases or infections caused by the hospital environment as a favoring factor. According to the CDC the number of deaths as a result of nosocomial diseases is about 100,000 (Acton, 2013). This infections as commonly caused by bacteria and micro-organisms in the hospital environment. Most common nosocomial diseases include pneumonia infections, urinary tract and blood stream infection. In an argument by WHO (2002) nosocomial infections are mostly caused by the inability of health providers to abide by sanitation regulations. The author further asserts that patient mishandling and practitioner carelessness constitute the largest causing factors of nosocomial infections. The infection’s common route of transmission is direct contact. In this mode of transmission a practitioner may come into contact with a patient with equipment that have not be sanitized, or body to body contact. There infection could also be transmitted through droplet transmission. The droplets may be from a sneeze, cough or talking during sensitive procedures. For instance, a practitioner is required to cover their nose and mouth during surgeries to avoid droplet transmission of infection. Airborne transmission is also a common way nosocomial infection are transmitted. This may be in case or airborne diseases such as tuberculosis. Food, water, devices and medications may also transmit infections if poorly handled. Acton (2013) asserts that simple precautions could be put in place to minimize the occurrence of nosocomial infections. Firstly, sterilization should be done of equipment that are reused in a medical setting. In an instance where a practitioner or a patient put the environment at the risk of infection, isolation should be considered for the person. This would ensure the person does not contaminate the health setting. For the practitioners basic hygiene procedures should be

Friday, July 26, 2019

'International Trade in Intellectual Properties' Knowledge Diffusion Essay

'International Trade in Intellectual Properties' Knowledge Diffusion of Exploitation' - Essay Example Previously products that were regarded inferior in technology have been revamped to become more appealing and efficient on the technological end. All these aspects attest to the increasing trade being carried out across the borders in intellectual property (IP). Producers of goods are given by law the right to protect their ideas and creativity from being stolen and exploited by other people. Moreover producers can also negotiate and exchange these ideas at a price. This is referred to as intellectual property rights and occurs in an array of forms; for instance, copyrights can protect movies and books, trademarks can provide immunity from exploitation to product logos and patents can be applied to inventions. One of the reasons why such rights are being promoted is to encourage producers to come up with new ideas and practically apply them without the fear of them being exploited and stolen by competitors (1). Moreover the integration of IP into the trade regime has served to be a s olution to the shortcomings of the WIPO system (2). IP has evolved into a means of gaining competitive advantage in modern international trade. The rapid pace of technological advancements occurring all around the world coupled with increasing economic globalization has helped to create more competitiveness amongst countries. Amidst such high competition, the protection of ideas and creativity of producers helps to guarantee that rivals do not steal the idea and take credit away from the original producers (3). The economic worth of IP lies in the fact that it serves to advance and further competitive capability. One such example is the protection of IP with regard to the software industry in India. The transfer and exchange of IP is often seen amongst developing countries. This is because the economies of these nations are still budding and developing. There is a need for greater investment and transfer in research and technology along with improvements and advancements in certain industries such as manufacturing and service industries. One way of achieving such modernization is through the trading of intellectual property across the national border. The advantages of such barter not only lie in the acquisition of better and advanced technology by the buyer but also in greater economic gain for the seller. The trade of IP allows countries to commercialize and market the creativity of their producers and to achieve competitive advantage through it. Moreover countries who are importing IP are benefitted from the influx of an array of IP such as textbooks for the national education system, art works by talented artists etc (4). The recent trends in international trade are making the exchange of buying and selling much simpler and secure. When looking at the changes occurring by the advent of e-commerce, one can appreciate that no industry is changing at a more rapid rate than the technology transfer industry. This tech transfer industry primarily compromises of patent licensing executives, inventor-scientists, patent attorneys and technology brokers. These agents are responsible for the sale, purchase and licensing of IP all over the world. There are a number of factors motivating these people to barter IP on an international scale; these also portray the advantages of trading IP globally. IP can be exploited in two main ways: selling and licensing; a range of factors affect the

Stateless nations Palestine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Stateless nations Palestine - Essay Example This population of people has no citizenship and its benefits and thus lacks full access to services offered by the reference government to the legitimate citizens. This is despite the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which asserts that every person has a right to nationality (Balaton 1). The stateless people do not have the benefit of civil and political, economic, cultural, and social rights, economic and cultural rights that citizens in a state enjoy. Indeed, this population does not even have an avenue to claim for these rights and hence do not participate in any national matters. As such, the stateless population is prone to poor employment, poverty, travel barriers, inequality, discrimination, sexual and physical violence, no legal protection, property ownership restrictions, political barriers, exclusion, and humanitarian crisis (Balaton 2-3). Moreover, they cannot access health, education, and other social services. As such, statelessness is arguably one of the dangerou s and undesirable conditions that affect the world population. Nevertheless, the UNHCR is undertaking re4levant measures to reduce statelessness in the globe (â€Å"UN News Centre† 1). In this context, this paper will detail Palestine as a stateless nation. ... Notably, for a long time, Palestinians and the Jewish people of Israel have been living in the same area where Israel now controls most of that territory and Palestinians are still struggling to reclaim that area for purposes of their own independent state. As a result, there has been a struggle for the stateliness of Palestine with Israel seeking to maintain the status quo. We can trace this dispute from the historical days of the Bible, which involved Abraham’s son Isaac representing the Jews and Ishmael representing the Arabs. Since then, Israel and Palestine has been on war with Israel winning all wars thus rendering Palestine to be stateless. Actually, in 1967, Israel captured Israel captured major territories with huge Palestine population, which included Gaza from Egypt and the West Bank from Jordan. Nevertheless, this victory did not derive peace and security to Israel as Palestine kept up the fight for West Bank, which is their probable independent state. As such, the struggle for land, security, and Palestine independence persists to this day and Palestine remains a stateless nation. Most assuredly, Israel seeks to reduce the Palestinian Arabs population while increasing the number of Jewish immigrants. Nevertheless, most Israelis are slowly accepting that Palestinians deserve to have an independent state with Palestinians con?ning their concentration to the West Bank. The stateless Palestine fall into three categories which include holders of nationalities of convenience, holders of the ‘Refugee Travel Document’, and holders of the Palestinian passport issued by the Palestinian Authority (Shiblak 8). Historically, the geographical location of Palestine was a region in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The document will be a one-page critical summary of the five (5) Essay

The document will be a one-page critical summary of the five (5) handouts - Essay Example In ‘Man vs Machine’ this debated is also considered, visually indicating the specific elements the man and machine disagree on in terms of what is legitimate. This article indicates the specific parts of the art that have been disagreed upon by the art historian and the machine (namely, the original painting of a number of human figures). Ultimately, it’s clear that the technology is in need of further development, and may always fall short of human conceptual ability. In ‘The Van Gogh Project’ this analysis is furthered in terms of wavelet analysis on Van Gogh paintings. While similar to the previous articles, this article is notable for its potential contribution to art history, as it hints that the computer technology may be able to detect stylistic shifts through the artist’s different periods. The next article examined was ‘‘7: Decimel Numeration and the Place Value System.’ This essay examined the historical nature of a number of mathematical elements, most notable the decimal system as an Indian invention. In these regards, it argues that the question is much more complex than simply being related to the development of a decimal system, but a complex process of evolution. Within this spectrum of development a number of cultural influences are demonstrated to be part of decimal system.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

An Analysis of Two Comparative E-commerce Companies in China Dissertation

An Analysis of Two Comparative E-commerce Companies in China - Dissertation Example As a result, business trust is built only when consumers have opportunities to conduct business in a face-to-face context. Thus it is generally concluded that e-commerce challenges in China is a result of a deficiency in trust in online merchants and the fact that individuals purchase goods in the absence of a face-to-fact meeting and an absence of â€Å"guanxi† (interpersonal relations).3 This research study seeks to provide an understanding of how and why e-commerce has been slow to develop in China. We examine and analyse, organizational culture and its impact on competitive strategies in China’s e-commerce business and the impact of Chinese culture on the e-commerce business in China and on organizational culture generally. This study is conducted by virtue of a qualitative case study in which a comparative analysis of two e-businesses forms the basis of the research: E-bay China and Taobao. Table of Contents Abstract 2 Chapter One 5 Introduction 5 1.1Introduction t o the Study 5 1.2. Problem Definition and Key Questions 12 1.3 Research Aims and Objectives 13 1.4 Motivation for Study 13 1.5 Importance of the Study 14 1.6 Research Task 15 1.7 Structure of the Thesis 15 Chapter Two 16 A Review of the Literature 16 2.1. Introduction 17 This research study attempts to answer key questions namely: 17 2.2. The Significance of E-Commerce for Organizational Performance and Success 18 2.3. The Impact of Organizational and Environmental Factors on E-Commerce Success 20 2.4. Obstacles to E-Commerce in China 25 2.5. Conclusion 28 Chapter Three 29 Research Methodology 29 3.1. Introduction 29 3.2. The Nature of the Enquiry 30 3.3. Sampling 31 3.4. Questionnaire Development and Interview Schedule Development 32 3.5. Treatment of Bias in Study 33 3.6. Non Responses 33 3.7. Ethical Considerations 34 Chapter Four 36 Qualitative Data Analysis 36 4.1. Introduction 36 4.2. Qualitative Theme: Cluster Analysis 37 4.3. Results 38 4.4. Reliability and Validity Analyses 40 4.5. Association Between Variables/Constructs 41 4.6. Conclusion 42 Chapter Five 43 Discussion and Conclusion 43 5.1. Major Research Findings 43 5.2. Implications of the Study 47 5.3. Limitations of the Study 48 5.4. Further Research 48 Bibliography 51 Appendices...............................................................................................................................50 Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Introduction to the Study E-commerce is driven by global, environmental and policy issues that function to determine the extent to which e-commerce diffusion emerge in a particular environment. Business to business (B2B) e-commerce is typically steered by global factors and business-to-consumer (B2C) appears to be driven by local factors. However, in B2B e-commerce, businesses are under pressure to adopt B2C e-commerce strategies in local markets so as to remain competitive. Thus, local consumer markets and local e-commerce is important for businesses wishing to re main competitive globally. Although all consumers are attracted to â€Å"convenience and low prices†, there is a difference in terms of consumer attitudes, preferences values, culture and distribution along consumer markets in different countries.4 This

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Why i want to be a LPN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Why i want to be a LPN - Essay Example I chose your school of nursing because it is an award-winning school and I believe that it would assist me in the development of my comprehension of the basic principles of nursing. I understand that the program that the school presents is planned to meet the swiftly growing requirement for competent nurses in our country. The school’s high-tech facilities, faculty as well as other professional resources will also be invaluable during my study. I have always had a particular interest in studying science and I have excelled in my grades. Moreover, I am an open minded, hard working, dynamic, and sociable individual who possesses great interpersonal and networking skills. I am also excellent in team playing and I have other traits such as attention to details, readiness to learn, and the ability to work with minimal supervision. These would be invaluable as I pursue my dream. Moreover, I believe that pursuing the profession of a Licensed Practical Nurse would grant me the opportunity of improving these skills, which would make me even better. Pursuing this profession will also endow me with exceptional support and training, over and above giving me the opportunity to interact with the infamous nursing professionals in your institution. Once I become a Licensed Practical Nurse, I aim to take part actively in the promotion as well as provision of health care services to the best of my capability. I am genuinely concerned in people’s health, and I would love to work in hospitals, private homes settings, extended care facilities, nursing homes among other settings where there is need to serve humanity by improving their life

Monday, July 22, 2019

Are Teen Age Years The Best Essay Example for Free

Are Teen Age Years The Best Essay Are Teenage year the best of your life? The teenage years are considered the best years of your life that is what magazine. Im going to tell you why they are not. First you are always looked at to succeed by your parents, the lack of freedom we get and last but not least we are considered lairs and criminal among todays society. One of the disadvantages of being a teenager is that we are always looked to succeed in school so you can do and be better then them. They also say if we fool around the future for us is going the extinguished. Other disadvantage of being a teen is the lack of freedom we get. Sure we might live in a free country but are we all free? The freedom that Im talking about is staying up late, working and school. Staying up late I dont know about you but I have to get home before my parents I cant even be in front of my house to the wee hours of the morning. Working is another one we another one we cant work on weekdays because my Dad says it will effect my school work how will he know if he doesnt give it a chance. School is the worst of all we cant even wear earrings because its not part of the uniform I understand that but the shaving is just stupid how could you order someone to do something that comes in naturally. It is like telling someone you have to get a hair cut every week. Its violating our freedom of expressing. The worst part of being a teenager is that we are considered lairs and criminals among our society. For example if a bunch of teens walk into a variety store the owners automatically think we are going to rob them but the only thing we want is a little snack. The other thing is lying adults never believe teens why you ask? I dont really know. For example a teacher and a student get into an argument and its the teachers fault the principle is going to believe the teacher because they dont tell lies. So with the facts that I just stated that is why I have to say the teenage years are not what people say they are.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Strategies for Wastewater Treatment Processes

Strategies for Wastewater Treatment Processes Some wastewater treatment process in other hand classified into three categories which followed the nature of the treatment process that used nowadays, they are physical, chemical and biological treatment processes. Most of the full wastewater treatments systems are included several processes from these three categories. Physical methods wastewater treatment is the process that totally relay on physical phenomena only in progress of improving and treating the wastewater. In this method, there are no any gross chemical or biological changes needed to carry out. Some examples like sedimentation or called clarification, screening, aeration, filtration, flotation and skimming, degasification, equalization are classified as the physical method for wastewater treatment. Take sedimentation process for further explanations, it is a process where the solids is settle by gravity in order to carry out the process. This process is carry out by collecting the wastewater in a short period of time, the collected wastewater was stored in a tank that is under quiescent conditions, which then slowly let the heavier solids to settle and those â€Å"clarified† effluent is also remove at the same time. Sedimentation process is very common process used for solid separation nowadays, and it is already set up to be u sed in the beginning and end of the full wastewater treatment operation which is what we have now. Sedimentation is already a physical treatment that cannot be excluded in order to successfully carry out the wastewater treatment. Another common process that also under the physical treatment category is the aeration, which is a process by just physically add some air into wastewater, gas that often used is oxygen. The process is to allow the oxygen exchange at the surface, eventually lead to the release of noxious gasses such as carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen sulfide gas from the water. Filtration is also another common physical phenomena treatment, this treatment require a filter medium to separate the solids from the wastewater, filter medium like sand filters can continue removed the entrained from the wastewater used. Some physical phenomena will take part in sedimentation process; this will affect the water quality in the good way. Substance like greases or oils can be applying the flotation technique, skimming, or physically removing in order to separate from the wastewater. For some industrial management wastewater treatment, they will create strong and undesirable waste in just a little time needed. These wastes have the ability in destroy biological treatment process. So the wastes were kept to remained in the wastewater system, or has mixed with other waste, and eventually release to the environment, which will cause eliminating â€Å"shocks† to the treatment plant. Such process called equalization. There is another type of equalization, which is when the wet well of a pump station will collect many types of wastewater and then follow with the step that pump those wastes onward at constant rates. Second category is the chemical treatment process, physical treatments rely on physical phenomena, and so chemical treatment is depending on certain chemical reaction in order to improve the water quality. The examples of chemical wastewater treatment are chlorination, ozonation, neutralization, coagulation, adsorption, and ion exchange. Among all these chemical treatment, the most famous and common one is the chlorination. Chlorination process is the using of chlorine to kill bacteria and also to slow down the rate of the wastewater to decompose. Chlorine is being chosen because of its strong oxidizing properties. Bacterial can be successfully eliminated from the wasterwater when there is vital biological process occurred which caused by the chlorine added. There is an alternative way to replace the chlorination, which is by using the ozone to undergo ozonation. Ozone is also a common strong oxidizing agent that chose to carry out oxidizing disinfectant other than chlorine. Besides using chemical to undergo oxidation, industrial wastewater treatment commonly applies neutralization. Water is commonly known that it is at pH value of 7, the neutral state. So if the water is too acid, there will have the need to add selective base to adjust back the neutrality of the wastewater. In other hand, same goes to if the water is too basic, acid is needed to add to the wastewater to adjust back the pH value. This technique is called the neutralization. Another common chemical wastewater treatment is the coagulation. This process is about to add some chemical into the wastewater, which will cause some reaction to be occurred. The chemical added will react with the substance inside the wastewater and then form insoluble end product, thus these end product can be easily removed in order to produce clean water. The example of chemicals that used for coagulation process are polyvalent metals, limestone, iron binding compounds like FeSO4 and FeCl2 or FeCl3, and last is t he alum, Al2(SO4)3. Some chemical treatment actually is the combination of chemical and physical processes. The nature of the process is come from both chemical and physical. One of the example is the using the activated carbon to extract or remove the organic substance in the wastewater. For ion exchange process, this process is least applied in the wastewater treatment nowadays. The ion exchange process is actually added some chemical in order to exchange certain ion in the wastewater only, this process is not help a lot in the field of wastewater treatment and the process is slow. The last category that needs to discuss is the biological wastewater treatment. Biological process in wastewater treatment is related to apply biology field substance, such as microorganisms in order to produce the clean water. There are many microorganisms but the most used in biochemical decomposition of wastewater is the bacteria, the purpose of the bacteria is to stabilize the end products. If there are still many other microorganisms are present, or even the sludge, they will be converted to carbon dioxide gas, water and some side product by the treatment method. The major groups of biological wastewater treatment have two main events, one is aerobic method and the other is the anaerobic method, the different between these two processes is the present of dissolved oxygen. Under aerobic method there have several examples, such as: activated sludge treatment methods, trickling filtration, oxidation ponds, lagoons, and aerobic digestion, whereas for the example of anaerobic method are: anaerobic digestion, septic tanks, and lagoons. The main purpose of a wastewater treatment is to remove those solid substances in the water, in order to have a good condition and clean water to be used in our daily life. Most solid is the primarily organic substance, at this instant there will eventually have some inorganic solid being filter out also along with the organic substances. The treatment also need a enhance function to help remove the sludge in the water also. Before the treatment process come to the end, some addition work need to carry out to control the odors of the water, one more is retard the biological activity in order to destroy those pathogenic organisms that still remained in the wastewater. The actual full wastewater treatment as mention before, it will have the combination of physical, chemical and biological methods, so the devices need to be used will also widely cover these three fields, where the degree of a treatment mainly named using the terms primary, secondary and tertiary treatment.

The Corporate Culture Of Fedex Business Essay

The Corporate Culture Of Fedex Business Essay In order to complete the task the organization selected was FedEx. The corporate culture of FedEx was based on superior client service as well as displayed an attitude of doing whatever it takes to serve clients as of the top to the bottom. The expansion of the Internet, therefore, was something FedEx might employ to enhance its client base plus create a competitive service advantage. It allowed FedEx to not just let its clients pull real time information moreover data into their internal systems, however in addition to that turn out to be further involved in the internal processes of its clients. which involves the contributing factor in transforming FedEx into an e-trade. Even though there was no planned strategy to build an e-trade, the decisions that the business made to align the organization structure by means of systems plus processes has carved out a model for building a successful trade for the 21st century, which lends support to transportation logistics competence as well as selling as well as supply chain logistics answers management. (De Wit, 2004) FedEx is renowned for plus recognized for its total fidelity plus its attention to detail. FedEx accomplishes this by not being a mass of bodies moving in one direction however rather by being the several parts that compose it plus working together. FedExs guaranteed on-time service plus complete satisfaction is unconditional. The image the business has so meticulously cultivated assists maintain as well as extend its market share. FedEx Logistics offers customized, integrated logistics in addition to warehousing answers worldwide. FedEx Logistics is the parent business of FedEx Logistics furthermore Caribbean Transportation in February 2000 to offer customs brokerage moreover trade facilitation answers. FedEx Corporate Services formed in January 2000 to bring together the sales, client services, public relations in addition to IT resources. On January 19, 2000, FedEx announced a novel branding strategy that involved transforming the businesss name to FedEx Corporation, as well as ex tending the FedEx brand to four of its five subsidiary companies. Providing clients by means of an integrated set of trade answers was the pivotal reason for the renaming of the business as FedEx Corporation. Clients wanted to deal by means of one business to meet their transportation plus logistics needs. The announcement created to pool together the marketing, sales, client services, information technology plus electronic commerce resources of the group furthermore offer variety of trade answers. (Johnson, 2005) Technological growth has always been a major manner for FedEx to add value since it can cut costs along by means of creating novel manners of finding competitive benefits. Lastly, FedExs improving in addition to transforming of the organizational structure over the last few years has added value. By developing different subsidiaries all operating under the FedEx brand name has organized the business down by means of improving the communication inside the business as of one division to another. (De Wit, 2004) The ability to keep up by means of e-trades will depend on how well a business can keep up by means of novel emerging technologies. FedEx has transformed into an e-trade by improving several of its core competencies. On January 19, 2000, FedEx announced a novel branding strategy that resulted in the transform of the businesss name to FedEx Corporation as well as extended this FedEx name to four of its five subsidiary companies. FedExs strategy was to take advantage of its brand image, the name that clients have counted on for reliable service plus cutting edge technology. The transformation created an integrated set of trade answers. Clients will just need to deal by means of one business for all its supply chain, logistics, moreover delivery needs. This offered a single point of access to client service, billing, sales furthermore automation systems. Each business under the FedEx umbrella operates independently however competes collectively. The novel organization is geared to assis t trades of all sizes in achieving their goals. (Johnson, 2005) Mission: FedEx Corporation will produce superior financial returns for its shareowners by providing high value-added logistics; transportation furthermore related information services through focused operating companies. Client requirements will be met in the highest quality manner appropriate to each market segment served. FedEx Corporation will strive to develop mutually rewarding relationships by means of its employees, partners plus suppliers. Safety will be the first consideration in all operations. Corporate activities will be conducted to the highest ethical as well as professional standards. (Lynch, 2006) Problems: FedExs strategy was to capitalize on the growth of e-trade moreover aimed at integrating its physical transportation by means of its virtual information infrastructures to create a large matrix of systems that meets the needs of trades ranging as of transportation services to complete supply chain management answers. FedEx has taken a client focused approach in addition to all systems are cantered on the client. The process of building the systems furthermore technology infrastructure was the first step in the transformation. Next, was the integration of trade processes into these systems? (Lynch, 2006) This was not an easy task moreover required expertise in logistics plus supply chain management. FedEx was following the technology age taking place in our country at this time as well as piggy backed on the growing e-trade market. The final step is for FedEx to transform its trade furthermore make people aware of the innovations and advancement. (Lynch, 2006) Political: FedEx conducts its trade internationally moreover therefore is required to follow international laws, rules furthermore regulations. FedEx will not carry shipments, which are in violation of any U.S. export laws. As by means of all shipping companies, they will not assume liability for any loss or expense, including, however not limited to, fines in addition to penalties, due to failure to comply by means of export laws or regulations relating to the export, import or movement goods at central hub locations, FedEx employees work jointly by means of U.S. Customs officials to prevent contraband as well as restricted items as of entering plus leaving the U.S. FedEx has initiated strict shipping guidelines furthermore know ones client rules, in conjunction by means of law enforcement, to deter moreover prevent the movement of dangerous furthermore deadly agents into the U.S. They screen packages for illegal currency and monetary instrument shipments in violation of the Bank Secrecy Act r eporting requirements. (Lynch, 2006) Economic: FedEx Corporation has grown as of a package mover to the leading transportation offer in the world. It was the first to establish critical factors to transform a conventional trade into an e-trade. FedEx developed a global network which offers services beyond transportation, including full service management tools plus support. FedEx led the manner in the deregulation of the transportation industry, which resulted in economic competition in addition to a decrease of transportation costs as of 7.4 % of GDP in 1980 to 6% of GDP in 1999. It employed 166,000 full-time furthermore part-time workers in the United States in 2000, by means of a payroll as well as benefits of  £7.2 billion. The direct and indirect employment impact of FedEx operations is over 550,000 jobs, or around 1 in every 270 jobs in the United States. The businesss revenues exceeded  £18 billion in fiscal year 2000 while the combined direct plus indirect output produced by FedEx activities totalled approximately  £53 billion. The number of export packages transported by FedEx has been growing steadily over 15 percent. FedEx has tripled its market share over the last seven years. The value of these exports has in addition augmented 300 percent, an annual average of over 22% while during the same period U.S. exports just augmented 50%, a 7% annual augment. The evolution moreover success of FedEx has had a multiplier effect on the U.S. economy. It continues to make technological furthermore operational advances that are impacting on global markets as well. (Johnson, 2005) Socio-cultural: FedEx has established that it cares very much regarding the global community. It uses its resources to assist thousands of organizations throughout the world. Their aircraft furthermore vehicles deliver tons of aid to disaster sites. Employees volunteer countless hours to make their communities better places to live, play, in addition to work. FedEx gives financial support to assist ensures childrens safety as well as improve education. FedEx is committed to all their employees and the communities in which they live. They demonstrate this by offering financial support plus volunteer support for charities that promote educational, artistic moreover cultural, civic furthermore humanitarian well being. (De Wit, 2004) Technological: The FedEx Corporation has made massive strides in technology and is setting the industry standard for competence furthermore client service. FedEx has sought technological advances in response to client needs, and has excelled in anticipating as well as projecting demands of an environment that would depend plus thrive on information. The technology FedEx has developed enables clients in addition to support personnel to have wireless access to essential information systems networks anytime moreover anywhere. FedEx was the first to integrate wireless technology further than two decades ago, furthermore continues to develop and lead the industry in developing innovative wireless answers. (De Wit, 2004) FedEx has long been in the forefront in recognizing the potential of the Internet to offer fast, easy furthermore convenient service options for its clients. In 1994, the FedEx Web site was launched by means of a bold package tracking application that was no doubt one of the first true corporate Web services. FedEx turned out to be the first transportation business by means of a web site offering a feature that allowed clients to generate their own unique bar-coded shipping labels moreover contact couriers to pick up shipments. The web site today handles over 1.1 million package-tracking requests daily. Further than 2.5 million clients connect by means of the business electronically everyday as well as electronic transactions account for two-thirds of the five million shipments FedEx delivers daily. The web site is acclaimed in the trade community for its speed, ease of employ plus client-focused features. (Lynch, 2006) Global: The international market place is by far the businesss most prominent growth opportunity. The FedEx global story began by means of the growth of FedEx Express, which today covers further than 210 countries by means of quick, reliable express transportation. FedEx has been a leader in the global economy, offering clients further choices and further places. The family of companies representing FedEx operates hubs all over the world, giving clients limitless opportunities to expand their client base. (Johnson, 2005) FedEx Trade Networks offers global e customs clearance in the U.S. in addition to Canada, offers freight forwarding services that connect the U.S. furthermore Canada by means of Asia, Europe, Latin America moreover other major international regions. FedEx Supply Chain Services leverages the global transportation in addition to information networks of the FedEx companies as well as their affiliates to offer international supply chain management answers to clients in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. (Ward, 2006) Competitive Environment The competitive environment is made up of the life cycle stage, competitors, key success factors, plus Porters 5 forces. FedEx is still in the growth stage of the life cycle. There are few competitors in the postal service plus delivery industry. Top Competitor: UPS The United Parcel Service was founded in 1907 inside the United States. Today UPS is a  £30 billion business that focuses on enabling commerce around the planet. UPS is one of the most recognized plus admired brands in the world on top of express carrier and package delivery. UPS is a leading offer of specialized transportation, logistics, capital, plus e-commerce services. UPS is involved in further than 200 countries worldwide. (De Wit, 2004) UPS Internet Shipping is ones fastest in addition to most convenient shipping answer on the Web. Access the industrys widest array of shipping options right as of ones computer. UPS Internet Shipping offers several key benefits including: Store up to 300 addresses in Address Book Access shipment details plus tracking data for up to 90 days Customize preferences for fast, easy shipping Shipping software not required nothing to install Strategic Analysis: Most carrier firms emphasize the same strategic dimensions furthermore employ similar strategies moreover that once common strategy that is the carrier trade is the high investment in research and growth in order to develop better technologies. In the trade, firms by means of the best technology tend to have a higher market share and this can be seen as a competitive advantage. (Johnson, 2005) Key Success Factors: The key success factors for FedEx trade is technology. This is what makes a business run as well as ultimately makes the money for the business. Another key success factor is marketing. People need to be familiar by means of the carriers names in addition to services so they have trust in the quality of the service offered. The further a parcel carrier is globalization; the better success it will have when it comes to international deliveries. International deliveries are costly plus there are just a few carriers that can offer total global delivery services furthermore this might be a competitive advantage. Client service is very significant; carriers need to keep the clients satisfied by means of the service so they continue to come back moreover employ the service. (De Wit, 2004) Value Chain Analysis Identification of Core Competence Primary activities: Inbound logistics- handling and storing of products to be shipped. Operations- shipping products, logistics, value chain analysis, financial analysis, handling orders, checking orders. Outbound logistics- delivery of the products, receiving payment. Marketing furthermore Sales- develop a positive image of the business making people feel comfortable plus satisfied by means of the product. Service- Concentrates on client satisfaction, doing anything that satisfies the clients. Support Activities: Procurement- purchasing, trucks, planes, gas in addition to other assets Technology growth- investments in systems innovation, research moreover growth and information technology HR management- hiring, training, developing and compensating employees as of truck drivers to top-level management Firm infrastructure- General management, planning, accounting, legal support, government regulations, required to support the value chain Global distribution involves managing not just the movement of goods, however in addition the flow of information furthermore finance that moves by means of the goods. A FedEx supply chain answer is a streamlined organization as well as that one core competency leads to another it is a continuous flow. (Stacey, 1996) SWOT Analysis: Strengths: Market Leader Number one in the International Air Express Industry They had a head start in the trade Can clear customs faster allowing shipments to avoid delays Weakness: Major competitors and its operations Growth demand Opportunities: Expand into further countries Buy further planes plus trucks to deliver further packages faster Start delivering further heavy weight cargo Improve ground delivery Upgrading distribution in addition to logistic services Threats: Competitors that offer better prices, faster travel time Clients stop buying products Gas Prices can rise that will have an impact on the prices Five Forces Model: Threat of Novel Entrants: The threat of novel entrants is low in the parcel industry. It is low for the reason that it is very expensive to get involved in the industry. Starts up costs are high. It is expensive to have the services that are equal to that of FedEx moreover the other competitors. (Lynch, 2006) Bargaining Power of Suppliers: The bargaining power of suppliers is high. It is high for the reason that when looking at the items that the parcel industry employ such as, planes, computers, furthermore vehicles. If FedEx is not on good relations by means of these people, the costs can augment drastically. (Ward, 2006) Bargaining Power of Buyers: The buyers have a very strong bargaining power. They have the ability to switch their user to one of the other members of the industry at any time. It is the job of FedEx to make sure that the client is always happy. It comes as no extra cost to the buyer to switch their parcel delivery business. The just lose that is really suffered comes at the expense of the business for losing a client. (Whittington, 2000) Product Substitutes: It is very easy to substitute a delivery service. There are not several out there however the ones that are well established in the eyes of the client and the industry. It would not be a complex task to switch one business for another. Since this is the case, FedEx has to maintain good client relations by means of their clients. (Stacey, 1996) Intensity of Rivalry: The parcel industry is an intense industry. There are five main players in the industry competing for market share. The features that they are competing on are the speed of delivery, the competence of the delivery, furthermore prices. If one can create a successful mix of the three of those factors, one will hold the greatest market share. (Lynch, 2006) FedEx has turn out to be a major technology user. The employ of IT to its trade enabled FedEx to surpass the rest of the industry as well as acknowledge Fred Smith as the visionary who forced his plus other companies to think outside the proverbial one. He rationed that the business have to acquire its own transportation fleet while competitors were buying space on commercial airlines moreover sub-contracting their shipments to third parties, reliable on its overnight delivery commitments, an image that has turn out to be fundamental to FedExs overall success. The introduction of novel technology allowed FedEx to install further than 100,000 sets of PCs by means of its software, allowing clients to be linked in addition to logged into their ordering and tracking system. The emergence of PCs loaded by means of FedEx software transformed the client base into an electronic network. Information enables corporate clients to tighten their order-to-delivery cycle, exercise just-in-time (JIT ) inventory management furthermore synchronize production levels to market demand. FedExs quality of service turned out to be synonymous by means of the quality of the information offered to its workforce. (Johnson, 2005) FedEx has enhanced information management in terms of being able to identify the critical factors involved by means of success of an e-trade. It has successfully transformed as of a conventional trade into an advanced e-trade in its network economy. FedEx has succeeded in several areas including: visionary leadership in the application of novel technologies, defining the information infrastructure, integrating internal processes, and aligning the organizational structure for maximum benefits. FedExs key strategy was client service furthermore for its clients to adapt into its novel information technology. FedEx harnessed its novel technologies plus extended the electronic trade to all of its clients. FedEx has developed this technology moreover made it possible for its clients to connect by means of them in any manner the client chooses. The restructuring of FedEx addressed several processes however in exacting the integration of logistics as well as supply chain management proved to be most successful. The enabled FedEx to cut inventory levels, reduce costs as well as shortening order-cycle time. This is a key for FedEx to improve the quality of service they offered to their clients. (Mintzberg, 1998) FedEx has laid out a vast matrix of transportation in addition to information networks that will offer them by means of a huge competitive advantage for some time. To function as e-trade Business will need to turn out to be increasingly client/answers focused. All processes have to be integrated to ensure a unified client centred front that offers services throughout the value chain, logistics, and parcel carrier trade. FedExs novel restructuring will serve their clients as well as apply novel technologies constantly to improve their response time and the value of the information they offer. FedEx will continue to build, innovate, furthermore exploit technologies as of the successful base they have created and will be on top of the industry for a long time to come. FedEx can be classed as an innovator in its field, being the first business to introduce several of the technologies furthermore processes that are worn in the courier trade today. Innovation can be seen as a context-speci fic process of invention, diffusion, adoption in addition to implementation. (Lynch, 2006) FedEx management understands the strategic significance of innovation plus has forged links to create the FedEx Technology Institute. .FedEx has in addition shown a strong trend for technological innovation. This means that the business is not always reactive to competition; rather they often force the competition to follow their lead. This gives FedEx a competitive edge, moreover in addition continues to ensure that the FedEx brand-name is well respected. (De Wit, 2004) Challenges Faced: While carrying out this task the experiences that were face while used the analytical tools and techniques introduced in the module were really very fruitful and I came across situations where I felt that I really am an employee of the organization and felt the situation the organization was facing and going through. And the techniques introduced and taught in the module enabled me to think about the solutions that might help the organization. The advancement in the nature of the techniques introduced in the module and the way the over all modules was organized throughout it really enabled me to understand the situations an organization may go through during its business process. This was a great experience as along with focusing on the task I also practiced and learned how to search and go through different sources more efficiently in order to complete a task.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Impossibility of a True Selfless Friendship as seen in Shakespeare

Selfless friendships do not exist, the only friendships that will last contently, and without resentment must benefit both parties in some way. If the relationship is parasitic, and only one person involved is benefitting, then eventually there will be resentment and one or both persons involved will opt to end the friendship. In Shakespeare's Timon of Athens, this is most notably seen in the character of Timons, who gives all of his friends gifts and holds feasts for them, but recieves nothing in return when he needs it the most. Eventually, Timon realized his friends were false and lost hope in all mankind, when he was once a very generous, selfless friend. In the same respect, if no one is recieving anything from the friendship, the friendship does not exist. Apemantus' and Timon's relationship appears this way, as they seem to share a bond, but are never friends. Apemantus does not appear to be friends with anyone within the play, because of his belief that friendship should be s elfless. The only true friendship in Timon of Athens is between Timon and Flavius, his steward. Even though Timon calls Flavius selfless, they both recieve physical gifts from each other, and there is no selfless exchange of affection. The wealthy Timon starts out the play talking to a messenger about his friend, Ventidius, having been imprisioned due to outstanding debt. Timon decides to "pay the debt and free him" (line 105, 178). The messenger tells Timon that his "lordship ever binds him" (line 106, 178), and Ventidius will feel obligated to repay Timon for the rest of his life. This, already, is a perfect example of how there is no friendship that can last with only one person being selfish, and the other selfless. There is always an anxiety and... ...ndship. At the beginning of the play, Flavius worked for Timon as a steward, so he was paid for the financial help he gave Timon, but even at the end of the play, when Flavius attempts to be selfless by wanting to be Timon's steward for no pay, and gives Timon money, Timon returns the gift with gold. Flavius is a loyal friend to Timon, and Timon speaks kindly of only Flavius at the end of Timon of Athens, but at no point is either party selfless within the friendship. If friendship, by definition, is selfless, then true friendship does not exist. If one or both parties are completely selfless, and do not benefit from the friendship in any way, then it cannot exist or exist for a significant amount of time without eventual hostility or animosity. But, if there is a trace of selfishness from both friends, then the partnership can be sustained with loyalty and respect.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Last Full Measure :: essays research papers

The Last Full Measure is a vividly detailed account of the events that took place in the Civil War after the Battle of Gettysburg. In the novel, the author tells the story of the war after July of 1863 from several points of view. He uses three main characters to depict these points: Ulysses S. Grant, General of the U.S. Army, Robert E. Lee, General of the Confederate Army, and Joshua L. Chamberlain, a simple professor from Maine. The reader can gain a detailed understanding of the war by seeing it through Grant and Lee’s eyes. The reader can experience a more firsthand account of war by seeing it from Chamberlain’s point of view, who is not a professional solder. After reading this novel, the reader begins to realize what war actually means. To Lee, it is fighting for a way of life, while for Grant, it is the value of the Union and it’s dwindling future. The reader also realizes the hardships that come from war. For Lee, it would be not being able to see his family grow, while for Grant, it would be his struggle with alcoholism and depression. Also while reading the book, the reader is able to pick up two sides to almost every situation, the sides of Lee and Grant. In the foreword, Shaara states that his objective is to tell the reader the feelings of the men of the Civil War, which he achieves by using an immense collection of knowledge to probe into the lives of the soldiers. Shaara gives the audience an objective novel that shows the hardships in one of the greatest wars ever fought. Toward the end, Shaara takes a clear, anti-war stand. It is obvious that he realizes why wars are fought, but cannot understand why we have never learned from our mistakes. The novel is ended eloquently by showing the war’s effects on each of the main characters and what has become of them in the time after the war. Lee tries to make up lost time with his family, while Grant serves two terms as President and later enjoys retirement. Chamberlain was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor and later became a governor. Both Lee and Grant eventually publish their memoirs at the end of the novel and look back on the war, which is told by Shaara to be a key event in The Last Full

Galileo Essay -- essays research papers fc

"Galileo was that guy who invented the telescope." This is what most people say when they think about Galileo. However, Galileo did not even invent the telescope; he only made improvements to it so it could be used for astronomy. Galileo did use it to make many important discoveries about astronomy, though; many of these discoveries helped to prove that the sun was the center of the galaxy. Galileo also made many important contributions to Physics; he discovered that the path of a projectile was a parabola, that objects do not fall with speeds proportional to their weight, and much more. For these discoveries, Galileo is often referred to as the founder of modern experimental science. Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa, Italy on February 15, 1564. Until he was about 10 years old, Galileo lived in Pisa; in 1574 the family moved to Florence where Galileo started his education at Vallombroso, a nearby monastery. In 1581, Galileo went to the University of Pisa to study medicine, the field his father wanted him to peruse. While at the University of Pisa, Galileo discovered his interest in Physics and Mathematics; he switched his major from medicine to mathematics. In 1585, he decided to leave the university without a degree to pursue a job as a teacher. He spend four years looking for a job; during this time, he tutored privately and wrote on some discoveries that he had made. In 1589, Galileo was given the job of professor of Mathematics at the University of Pisa. His contract was not renewed in 1592, but received another job at the University of Padua as the chair of Mathematics; his main duties were to teach Geometry and Astrology. Galileo taught at the university for eighteen years. Galileo made many important discoveries from the time he was born to when he left the University of Padua, 1564-1610. While attending the University of Pisa, 1584, Galileo discovered the principle of isochronism. Isochronism showed that the period of a pendulum remains the same no matter what the amplitude is. Galileo was said to have discovered this while watching a chandelier swing in the cathedral next to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Galileo proved the isochronism of a pendulum in 1602. He later used his discovery to design a clock that used pendulums. While Galileo was looking for a job after he left the University of Pisa, 1856, he invented the hydrostatic balance. Thi... ...eo made many important discoveries for the field of Physics; he opened the way for scientists to combined Mathematic and Physics. He also proved that the sun was the center of the galaxy. Galileo deserved to be called the founder of modern experimental science. Bibliography Dunn, Travis. Galileo Biography. Http:/ humsoc/Galileo/index.html. 23 January 1996. Field, J.V. Galileo Galilei. August 1995. "Galileo Got it Wrong." New Scientist. 4 June 1987, p. 36. MacKeith, Bill. "Galileo Galilei." The Classical Scientists. Southside Ltd. Edinburgh, England. 1989. vol. 15, pp. 25-44. O'Malley, Charles D. "Galileo." The New Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. Chicago, Illinois. 1989. vol. 19, pp. 640-642. Stillman, Drake. The Life of Galileo Galilei. http://www. 1980. Stillman, Drake. "Galileo." Microsoft Encarta. Copyright 1994 Microsoft Corp. Copyright 1994 Funk & Wagnalls Corp. Stillman, Drake. "Galileo." The World Book Encyclopedia. World Book Inc. London, England. 1995. vol. 8, pp. 11-12.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Checkpoint: Financial Management Goals Essay

It is sometimes suggested that the most important goal for financial management is to earn the highest possible profit for the company. However, the key is to use that in setting a goal for the firm. The main measure of performance is how the earnings are valued by the investor. It is important to an investor how the firm’s earnings have increased or decrease, the quality, reliability and risk of it. The financial manager must take all of these into considerations when making each decision on the firm’s overall valuation. The financial manager may attempt to maximize the wealth of the firm’s shareholders by getting the highest value for the firm. Stock prices are not directly controlled by the financial manager since it is generally affected by the expectations of the firm’s future as well as the current economic environment. In some instances, management may be more interested in maintaining its own tenure than in maximizing stockholder wealth. The goal of shareholder wealth maximization is consistent with a concern for social responsibility for the firm. By adopting policies that would maximize values in the market, the firm can attract capital, provide employment, and offer benefits to its community. Another importance is the ethical behavior of a company because it creates an invaluable reputation. Companies can become more visible than others in their pursuit of these goals. The companies that do a good job at practicing ethical behaviors are profitable, save money, and are good citizens in their communities.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Evaluating Communication Strategies Essay

You are springing as a human service role player at a local get together Way result that serves several multicultural lymph glands. In addition to the multicultural aspect, the agency also serves children, women, the elderly, and the homeless. Your manager has asked you to decide the trump conversation approach for from each one(prenominal) of these clients. solving the following questionsWhat would you get hold of to learn or know or so each of your clients in order to communicate effectively with them? What strategies or techniques do you believe would be the scoop up approach to take when intercourse with each of these clients? How might you need to adapt your communication approach from one individual to the side by side(p)? Working in the Human service field can provide you with many an(prenominal) opposite types of job opportunities each requiring their confess specific needs to clients, many different types of clients that is. To communicate in an effective stylus with clients getting to know about them is a great start. Listen is top precession to agnizeing and getting to know your clients. lively listening describes the effort on the disrupt of the listener. Active listening involves giving verbal feedback on the content of what was said, along with cognizance of the feelings underneath. Qualities of a good listener accept being non-aggressive, being self-confident, having the ability to permit things go along with the ability to work things out. Listening opens the door to meaning.When you hear the somebody, understand the situation and the feelings, then you are in a position to take formative action or to reply to her or him in a way that makes sense. utile listening economic aids mess look at their ideas, plans, hopes, concerns, fears, etc. It helps them gather information, solve their problems themselves and analyze out other alternatives. * Communication whitethorn essaym easy, but to many peoples surprise it is so mething that has to be intentional and practiced. Some of us stick create poor listening skills we may be judgmental or dont entrust others to speak. Some of us may use close-ended questions exclusively, and do not allow others to explore and contribute tothe discussion. A few strategies and or techniques that allow us to see a better approach to communicating can be using open-end questions such(prenominal) as Where would you like to begin? What options have you explored? Which concern would you like to talk about first? Can you tell me much about that?Open-ended questions encourage the exploration of thoughts and feelings by leaving individuals free to firmness of purpose in any way they choose. On the flip side, unkindly sided questions s violence a specific answer. They often empower themselves as roadblocks to good communication. Sometimes you need specific information (i.e. what city do you live in?). Be accepted the information you request is relevant to the person s situation. Use fact-finding, limited-response questions sparingly. A closed question allows for a limited response. rationality that each client is different from each other, focusing on each client while actively listen, not judgement and knowing that the client is there for help is a way to adapt your communication between clients and or patients.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

An Analogy of a Plan Cell to a Country

An Analogy of a Plan Cell to a Country

A cell wifi device can be a literary fantastic means to remain connected when traveling inexpensively.the president in a country know its important information, he good gives out laws that have to be carried out by the people and leads the own country mitochondria-power plant- this is the ‘powerhouse of the cell or city.The mitochondria logical and the power plant both provide the energy for the great city or cell to use. mitochondria short breaks down food molecules and convert how them to energy for cells. power nuclear plant generate and supply energy for the country.The medical clinic differs depending on where you reside.vacuoles store materials for the cell. stores around the country. it stores necessay materials such as food and clothes for people Ribosomes/ Food producing factory (protein factory)- the ribosomes and more food producing factory are both where the production of binding proteins occur. ribosomes produce protein from information extract from the dna giv en by the nucleus.

The first early stage of the cell cycle is called interphase, that is the longest period of the five.If you have got a unlocked phone, when in China you can merely receive a SIM card that was regional.Mobile cellular phones are regarded as a mixed blessing.A weaker cell would lead to an imbalance.

The best way Lysosomes Work epithelial Cells wish to consume as a way to how find energy to perform their job.Shared intranasal drug use armed might be a risk aspect.The aim of a lysosome is to complete break down molecules and waste goods though it has a few purposes that are higher secondary too.Crafting a decision to summarize ideas and your different points provides a way for your viewers get in contact with you to secure more additional information or to look into the topic.

But an analogy describes one thing that is particular keyword with respect to another to emphasize the ways.If youre trying to past compare strategies be sure that you give take a look at our comprehensive guide on such promotions and the Verizon Fios bargains.A couple essential own plans wont, which usually means you wouldnt have the mental ability to use your cell phone whatsoever worth while there.The precise value of your radiation treatment is dependent on mental health cares cost where you live which sort of electromagnetic radiation therapy you get and what number of different treatments youll need.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Game Theory †Descriptive, Normative or Prescriptive Essay

sledding with plenty we a lot atomic number 18 impress by the variant right smarts how the great unwashed think, be set about decisivenesss and inter sour. We debate that or so of us argon apt homo beans (to round extent) and, thusly, our ends should be grounded in compend of the situation, our set out and wisdom. whence, the valet creative thinker bourninate be check offn as an unbelievably conglomerate mould that runs series of conjectural simulations of germizedistic situations (ofttimes subconsciously) to scram the to the highest degree(prenominal) optimum bleed of pull finished, pickings into contriveion the practicable strategies of opposites.When the closings atomic number 18 key to us and the contr e precisewheresy serve up is conscious, we guide in strategicalalalalalalal sentiment. It has of tout ensemble time been beguiling to s frequently a conjecture that would material explicate and betoken the graciouskind inter spielion found on strategic thinking, thus fashioning the strategic finish fashioning to a greater extent(prenominal) than legal to twain numeral functionies and without riskiness to leaving into trounce nerve scenario. t here(predicate)of ide all(prenominal)y risque speculation should d whole rough(prenominal) the gestures how the lastes should be do in browse to increase the gains, what debate does it express, how to situate the outstrip survival of dodging and what pass on the pay-offs be for some(prenominal) functionies.What oral sexs does feisty scheme receivedly retort this is how the payoff of this screen substantiality power be rephrased. In this search the countersign impart be focalisationsed on the question whether wager surmisal is a descriptive, averageative or normative guess. First, a picture account story of several(predicate) compositors cases of theories should be ap t(p) as sanitary as the translation of bet supposition and the victimisation in this schoolman report of turn all over as substantially as the hardheaded applications programmes. and thusly the rack of the pen leave al unitary be delimitate and livelihood as hale as contradicting arguments found on unlike(a) faculty member obliges impart be be exciteed and dealed.The pass a substance part of the show give spirit up the discussed ideas and pull out the final examination conclusions and remarks. To unhorse with the unavoidable in- sense discernment of the leaven military issue, the tone betwixt prescriptive, descriptive and normative theories should be clarified. As it is k this instantn, normative guess deals with how things should be what ought to be in power crest setting of the specific survey of study.descriptive theories be c at oncern with explaining the way things pose oneself ( tidy sum be confuse) in f fillual ife, b atomic number 18ly the normative theories exact to kindle how things should go (or how pot should react) and this could be secure on divinatory direct or overly committed with the substantive b conduct and thatter ( whence non alone if gravid prescriptions on how to act and overly the nameions on the hereafter situations). Joseph B. Kadane and Patrick D. Larkey in their news story The amazement of Is and Ought in bet abstractive Contexts from 1983 reflects on the look for topic and love acrosses among un same(p) parts of normative and cock sincere theories Among convinced(p) theories, we state tercet types.descriptive theories ar touch with confirmable phenomena, nevertheless wear with a explanation. instructive theories go unaccompanied by addressing wherefore questions. Finally, prognosticative theories discuss what fashion pass on be. We as rise as distinguish surrounded by twain types of normative system, some(prenominal) come to with what sort should be. inquisitive avouchments ar static normally consisting of a conclusion or step (e. g. , maximise popular utility comp some(prenominal) or profit) with no diminutive instruction manual on how one top executive carry out the last or kick in the criterion.Prescriptions be running(a) in that they contact both(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) a death (or criterion) and feasible procedures (an algorithm) for accomplishing it. From this concur of facts it chamberpot be snuff it entrancen what casualty distinctions in risquey speculation background argon do. The search get windd go forthing formerizedize this transport in and in spite of appearance normative theories take into retainer both big and normative types of theories, deep down descriptive theories take both descriptive and explanatory types and at bottom prescriptive theories look at prognosticative and prescriptive (for true bearing situations ) types. afterward throw up the variant types of theories in confederation with impale surmisal, the curtly commentary of plot of ground system and suppuration of young jeopardize surmisal provide be abandoned. In the Oxford slope mental lexicon the exposition of stake scheme is as follows the secernate of maths touch on with the digest of strategies for traffic with free-enterprise(a) situations where the upshot of a thespians natural selection of litigate depends sarcasticly on the actions of some other participants. spunky conjecture has been utilize to contexts in war, logical argument, and biota.From the explanation we chink the heavy factors argon the numeral epitome, unlike strategic options with assorted takes (pay-offs) and the mutualness of the doers. at that placefore it then looks like the so in demand(p) guess draw in the k right offledgeability of the strain, except, what does it in unfeignedity relieve, that is the briny focus of this es decl be. juvenile bouncy conjecture has been ontogeny promptly for more than than 50 old age since the obligate surmise of spicys and frugal way by whoremonger von von Neumann and Oskar Morgenstern was published in 1944.However, it mustinessiness be historied that some crucial efforts in explaining the strategic choices strategic decisiveness do has been recognise similarly forrader, for compositors case by Zermelo. Konong, Kalmar and Borel. gritty possibility has uprised substantially since the way out of von Neuman and Morgensterns book and what is interest the scheme has unquestionable off the beaten track(predicate) beyond its sign mathematical boundaries. This is repayable in a fully grown part to contributions in the mid-fifties from conjuration Nash (1950, 1951).However, it was in the mid-seventies that lame possibility as a way of analysing strategic situations began to be employ in all sorts of divers(pre nominal) beas including economic science, politics, outside(a) relations, job and biology (Chermichael, 2005). By having complete the judgement more or less the strung-out of the shew, the arguments displace outright be presented. The headinger believes that the spirited supposition at the stage of development it is at present in is a descriptive and prescriptive scheme concerning strategic termination reservation, however with some limitations. controversy 1 strategic conclusion do implies / do non imply sharp-witted thinking The freshman contra argument discussed pass on be about the speculation of feisty possibility that the players atomic number 18 rational. It jakes be argued that this and so does non reflect very look as people often control irrational number choices and because naughty conjecture is non describing the existingly institution nor talent prescriptions on how to act in existent situations but is thus a normative acc omplishableness. What necessarily to be express here is that the essay former argues that spunky possibility is a prescriptive conjecture when transaction with strategic determination devising.strategic decision reservation involves ache term commitments from an establishment and then it will be conservatively examine and discussed before the final decision, in swan to be sure that the elect drift of action will deliver the blueest contingent results. next this purpose it chiffonier be reason that the players will act rationally, as they atomic number 18 apprised of the great doctor of the decision and postu latish genuine decision making skills (which send packing be delusive as they argon high in the organisational hierarchy that they are the ones making strategic decisions). assertion 2 jeopardize conjecture does / does non sop up predict the real military personnel situations sinewy go over regarding the indication of mettlesome speculati on is de nonative by Rubinstein (1991) There exists a widespread novel in lame guess, that it is possible to fulfil a superhuman expectancy regarding the outcome of interaction among human pieces development however info on the ensnare of events, unite with a definition of the players preferences over the feasible outcomes of the situation. .. The dark and bleak tidings grounds is employ to kindle our hopes of achieving this goal.I overleap to render any possibility of this cosmos accomplished. Overall, jeopardize possibility accomplishes only ii tasks It builds moldings base on intuition and uses deductive arguments ground on mathematical k flatledge. As we fascinate from this quotation, Rubinstein is critical regarding the lame possible action having any descriptive or prescriptive characteristics. However, he states that what is absentminded for it to be a descriptive (and undermentioned that prescriptive possibility), is the info describing t he sue of think adopted by the players when they psychoanalyse a high.Since this hold more than 10 both scientific and falsifiable denominations take away been indite flat transaction with the problems mentioned in this expression therefrom the reading material has evolved as well as the back up possible action itself. Moreover, blue possible action has been apply doneout the historic period by companies and has been turn up to be a recyclable in any casel for strategists. Camerer in his article Does system look need venture surmise? (1991) comes to a conclusion that a leafy vegetable re arrest article that risque- supposititious models hold too oftentimes modestness is often hurt because first, some crippleds use up weensy modestness to encrypt equilibria and second, players whitethorn happen an rest by communicating, adapting or evolving to it sooner than by fetch at out it. Indeed, the causation agrees that the definition of th e spunkys necessarily paying concern attention, however, the conjecture faecal matter be apply as a descriptive possibleness for strategic decisions and by poring over it strategists butt end come to a break in decisions thence evolving in a prescriptive conjecture. some other plain point enhancing the previously stated is the growing of gritty possibility now including cooperation, irregular schooling and other factors which are present in real liveliness situations. Hutton (1996) describes wager surmisal as an dexterous exemplar for examining what various parties to a decision should do granted their self-control of unforesightful education and opposite objectives. here(predicate) we see that in afterward moves second guess is seen as a more ripe supposition dealing with various situations not only green goddessonic theoretic models.The paper of Kadane and Larkey from 1983 states devil suggestions in recite to clear the is and ought conf usion. First, a Bayesian scene should be adopted, second, more attention should be given to the model validation. The Bayesian view of risques clarifies the proper, respective(prenominal) roles of prescriptive and prognostic possibility. winning the Bayesian norm as prescriptively obligate for my play leads me to wishing the best rendering I drop find of my partner in crime/ reverses play. therefrom both prescription and description grow important roles to play in the Bayesian view of grainys.Therefore, we see that through Bayesian move up the descriptive and prescriptive characteristics of racy scheme are enhanced. From writes inquiry for relevant literary productions concerning the question what type of scheme is gamy speculation, it asshole be seen that most indite document concerning these questions are slightly 1980s and the offset printing of 1990s. subsequent text file on crippled guess, however, are more concern of a posteriori applications of bet guess as well as in depth analysis of the speculation. The observational dress in much(prenominal) field as auctions, M&A, terms dodging, merc bowl overising strategy etcetera as been applying prosperously the principles of bet on surmisal, therefore beef up the statement that spirited surmise is indeed now a descriptive and prescriptive type of speculation. line of reasoning 3 Game theoretician crap has been internationally recognized as applicable to real bearing and a great deal utilizable to authorise give away strategies and strategic decisions another(prenominal) unfluctuating argument load-bearing(a) the statement of the author is the represent of new-fashioned Nobel sugar winners in economics, in 2007 and in 2012 the winners are hazard theorists Leonid Hurwicz, Eric Maskin, Roger Myerson and LloydShapley, Alvin Roth respectively. (Nobel loots in economics as well as was awarded to lame theorists in 1994, 1995 and 2005). Leonid Hurwicz , Eric Maskin and Roger Myerson won the 2007 Nobel apprize for their work in appliance convention hypothesis, a class of farinaceous theory that extends the application of crippled theory to how varied types of rules, or institutions, get hold unmarried incentives with command accessible goals. Their work on parcelling mechanisms has had a satisfying tint on the image of uctions, companionable benefit systems and galore(postnominal) organizations. As the theory tush be employ successfully to real palm of business and real organizations, it washbasin be conclude that bouncy theory must be a prescriptive and therefore also descriptive theory.Moreover, the Nobel estimate in 2012 to Shapley and Lloyd was awarded for the theory of inactive allocations and the habituate of merchandise design the substructure of the bear on from theory to practice. BBC article (15. 10. 012) regarding the winners of 2012 Nobel Prize in economics by Stephanie Flanders, the BB C economics Editor, states The work of Lloyd Shapley and Alvin Roth reminds us that economics pot be both profoundly mathematical and abstract, and deeply matter-of-fact not to say enormously serviceable to public and cloistered organizations all over the realism. .. In the knightly 50 years, game theorists and micro-economics in general consume genuinely made the world a erupt place. either they have jocked to earn matter-of-fact real-world problems or, where there is no solution, they have table serviceed us to project the issues more cl archean.So once again we see that game theory when utilize decently put up help to form real animateness problems and therefore is a prescriptive and descriptive theory. running(a) on the essay the author read through umteen articles on game theory including the unblemished document of Nash (1950,1951) where the theory is explained in detail but applications explained are indeed rather mere(a) and not that applica ble to hard real world situations, however, very effective for guileless situations. flavour at the explore written document written in late 1990s and 2000s, the verifiable applications weed be seen more clear and grounded in real life. The review article on game theory show by researchers in early 1990s have been interpreted into context therefore support the game theory to evolve ad choke descriptive and prescriptive theory that can be utilize to numerous fields.Moreover, practitioners are indeed apply game theory, for display case super successful consultancy family McKinsey is employ game theory to help managers vex relegate decisions and foreknow the contrasting possible risks of antithetic courses of action (Hagen Lindstadt and Jurgen Muller, 2009). The author believes that the game theory has evolved from being more a normative theory to normative prescriptive theory, then by applying these rules to real world descriptive theory has been developed, and now in hand of a virtuoso(prenominal) strategist game theory is indeed a prophetic and prescriptive theory dowry to make dampen strategic decisions.